

Dublin is the largest city in Ireland and capital of the Republic of Ireland. The Dublin Region consists of the City of Dublin and the area which was formerly known as County Dublin, and covers an area of 922 sq km and contains over a million inhabitants. It has enough attractions to keep a visitor entertained for many days without too much exertion. The city is spread over the broad valley of the River Liffey, with the Wicklow Hills sheltering it on the south.

The earliest reference to Dublin appears in the writings of the Greek astronomer and cartographer Ptolemy around the year A.D. 140. The Vikings arrived in the 10th century and established an important trading post. Christchurch Cathedral was built after the arrival of Christianity in the 13th century. Many of Dublin’s principal buildings and its main street layout date from the end of 18th century and streets of Georgian four-storey townhouses are a distinctive feature of the city’s architecture.

Modern Dublin is a prosperous city with maddening traffic, busy restaurants and a skyline full of construction cranes. As the location of the busiest airport and hub of Ireland’s transport network, most visitors to Ireland will spend some time here and there is plenty to enjoy.


都柏林(英文: Dublin )是爱尔兰共和国的首都以及最大的城市,靠近爱尔兰岛东岸的中心点,位处都柏林郡的丽妃河河口、都柏林地区中心。最早关于都柏林的文献是托勒密的手稿,大约写于140年,他称之为埃布拉纳(Eblana)。都柏林在官方城市边界内的人口是大约505,739人(爱尔兰中央统计处2006年人口调查),然而这种统计已经没有什么太大的意义,因为都柏林的市郊地区和卫星城镇已经大幅地发展与扩张。都柏林市和都柏林郡的人口加起来已经超过了1,045,769人(爱尔兰中央统计处2002年人口调查)。虽然对于“大都柏林都会区”的定义没有一个确切的共识,但是普遍而言大家可以接受这个地区包括了都柏林市和郡,以及部份的威克娄郡、基尔代尔郡和米斯郡,因为通勤带可以延伸到很远的地方.横跨利费伊河的都柏林是一座文化之都,这里的大学、科学院、美术馆为数众多,有上百年历史的老房子随处可见,各种美丽的门窗种满花草,城市里洋溢着一种浓浓的田园气息。这里出生并成就了许多著名的文学家,如叶芝、王尔德、萧伯纳等。都柏林有欧洲最古老的图书馆,在露天广场和大街上常有画家和流浪艺人的表演。市西南的健力士啤酒厂以酿造黑啤闻名,在该厂展览厅顶层可眺望整个都柏林市景。如果想在旅行中寻找历史和文化,都柏林会给你许多惊喜。


都柏林(英文: Dublin )是爱尔兰共和国的首都,同时也是经济、文化、金融中心和世界著名的旅游胜地。其靠近爱尔兰岛东岸的中心点,位处都柏林郡的利菲河河口、都柏林地区中心。




柏林旅游景点英文(柏林的英语) 柏林旅游



市内米特区西南缘挺立着勃兰登堡门, 是曾经作为柏林象征的凯旋门,建于1791年,全部用乳白色花岗岩筑成,门楼上耸立着用青铜铸造的胜利神像。勃兰登堡门东侧延伸着菩提树下大街,为长1.2千米,宽 60米的林荫大道,两旁宫殿林立,和现代化建筑群交相辉映。威廉大街由北往南穿过菩提树下大街,曾是希特勒政府活动中心。东为亚历山大广场,有新建的办公大楼,是原东柏林市政府所在地。旁有宏伟共和国宫,外表全部用巨型特制玻璃镶嵌而成,是原民主德国人民议院召开会议的大厦。勃兰登堡门西侧有过去的帝国大厦,已部分修复。往西蒂尔加滕区中耸立着1957年落成的议会大厦,是现代建筑的代表作之一,在此举行过上百个国际会议。该区西端为柏林动物园,建于1841年,饲养着许多珍贵动物,为世界最大的动物园之一。蒂尔加滕区西南延伸着库尔菲尔斯特达姆林荫大道,两旁现代化商店林立。柏林植物园 植物博物馆建于17世纪,原是皇家花园,第二次世界大战后重建。市区西部沿哈弗尔河分布着大片湖泊和森林,其北是奥林匹克体育场,1936年为举行第11届奥林匹克运动会专门修建,体育场周围有占地 100多公顷的游泳场、冰球场、网球场和赛马场。市内还有洪堡大学(建于1809 年)、自由大学 、艺术科学院、博物馆、图书馆及歌剧院等文化设施,文化事业发达。由于特殊的历史和宜人的景观,旅游业发达。


Berlin economic, and cultural undertakings were very developed. Vantage Berlin, surrounded by forests, lakes, rivers surrounded, as if immersed in a city in the ocean of green, from the south spree urban flow slowly. Alexander Plaza Tower, around Central to the modernization of hotels, shops, conference rooms, teachers Hall, and other large buildings, the magnificent vision, and aesthetically pleasing. Kool charges Christensen Dam 3 km long Commercial Street, shops, clothing stores, row upon row of the gallery. Famous bodhi tree Street, is Europe's most famous boulevard. Moreover, 10% of the white granite building Brandenburg Gate, the 800-year history of the church, the town hall, the island's oldest museum buildings, the "Crystal Palace" Republican Palace, Humboldt University, and others are very well-known. Charlotte Castle, the ancient distribution around the Egyptian Museum, antiques museum, prehistoric museum and the early application of Museum and other important cultural buildings, many of its collection of precious relics and works of art. William ancient emperor straight Memorial Church built octagonal side of the new church. 1957 completed silver, a clamshell-shaped roof to the conference hall is the representative of one of modern architecture.

City metres stand in the southwestern margin of the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin was once a symbol of the Arc de Triomphe, built in 1791, with all the white-granite building, with a gatehouse at the towering bronze statues cast victory. Brandenburg Gate in the east extension of the street under the bodhi tree for the 1.2 km long, 60 m wide boulevard flanked palace proliferation and modern buildings each other. William Street from the north south through the streets under the bodhi tree, he was Hitler Government Centre. East Alexandria Square, a new office building, the original location of East Berlin city government. Next to the magnificent Palace of the Republic, with all the appearance of glass mosaic from giant special, the original People's Chamber meeting building s. Brandenburg Gate in the west past the Empire State Building, has been partially restored. Western Dierjiateng areas beyond the 1957 completion of the parliament building, is representative of one of modern architecture, held in more than 100 international conferences. Berlin area for the western end of the zoo, built in 1841, keeping many precious animals, as one of the world's largest zoo. Dierjiateng District Kuerfeiershitedamu southwest extension of the boulevard, on both sides of modern open-air. Berlin botanical gardens and museums plants built in the 17th century, was originally the Royal Garden, after World War II reconstruction. Hafuer River along the western urban distribution of the large lakes and forests, the North is the Olympic Stadium, in 1936 for the 11th Olympic Games held specially built, the area around the stadium more than 100 hectares of the swimming pool, ice pitches, tennis courts and the racetrack. The city also Humboldt University (founded in 1809), Free University, the Academy of Arts, museums, libraries and cultural facilities such as the Opera House, and cultural undertakings developed. Because of its history and pleasant landscape, the tourism industry developed.

Famous attractions: the Berlin Central Station, Museum Island, and the German Chancellor House, Museum of Science and Technology of Germany, the German National Museum, Capitol, the Brandenburg Gate, on June 17th Street, bodhi tree under Main Street, Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin TV Tower, Potsdam Square, Wulin Square, St. Hedehuige Cathedral, Berlin Cathedral, Nikola district, Alexander Plaza, Berlin Zoo, Hou election Dili street, Jialuoteng Fort Palace, the Berlin Jewish Museum, East Berlin, West Berlin , Notre Dame teaching, City Hall, the Republic Palace, Emperor William Memorial Church, benevolent Hall


你好,柏林英文介绍如下:Berlin is the capital city of Germany and one of the 16 states of Germany. With a population of 3.4 million people,and it is Germany's largest city and is the second most populous city proper and the seventh most populous urban area in the European Union. Located in northeastern Germany on the River Spree, it is the center of the Berlin-Brandenburg Metropolitan Region, which has about 4½ million residents from over 180 nations. Due to its location in the European Plain, Berlin is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. Around one third of the city's area is composed of forests, parks, gardens, rivers and lakes.

First documented in the 13th century, Berlin became the capital of the Kingdom of Prussia (1701–1918), theGerman Empire (1871–1918), the Weimar Republic (1919–33) and the Third Reich (1933–45).[10] Berlin in the 1920s was the third largest municipality in the world. After World War II, the city, along with the German state, was divided - into East Berlin — capital of the German Democratic Republic, colloquially identified in English as East Germany — and West Berlin, a political exclave (surrounded by the Berlin Wall from 1961 to 1989) and a de facto (although not de jure) state of the Federal Republic of Germany, known colloquially in English as West Germany from 1949 to 1990. Following German reunification in 1990, the city was once more designated as the capital of all Germany.

Berlin is a world city of culture, politics, media, and science, hosting 147 foreign embassies.Its economy is primarily based on high-tech industries and the service sector, encompassing a diverse range of creative industries, research facilities, media corporations, and convention venues. Berlin also serves as a continental hub for air and rail transport and is a popular tourist destination. Significant industries include IT, pharmaceuticals, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, electronics, traffic engineering, and renewable energy.

Berlin is home to renowned universities, research institutes, orchestras, museums, and celebrities and is host to many sporting events.Its urban setting and historical legacy have made it a popular location for international film productions.The city is well known for its festivals, diverse architecture, nightlife, contemporary arts, public transportation networks, and an extremely high quality of living.


德国有哪些著名景点 分别在那些市 英文名是什么

Brandenburg Gate (勃兰登堡门)

Berlin Wall (柏林墙)











永川柏林旅游攻略「永川柏林有什么好玩的」 柏林旅游



D1:早上0830在渝长高速路入口处集合(可以停车也停得下嘿多车)。0900出发,开车三个小时左右抵达石夹沟风景区,约1200左右在云雾阁用午餐。车停在云雾阁,大家把洗漱用品随身带。然后,走40分钟左右,下到谷底,沿途可以观看象黄山风光的石夹沟上半段风景,有天门洞,如来神掌,迎客松等。照相非常漂亮。走到谷底后就到了水晶湖山庄,一栋一栋的小木屋 别墅,又漂亮又别致。下午可以自由活动,或到水晶湖划船,或去农家家访,或斗地主,晚上可以开篝火晚会,但是柴要用钱买的哟,买100块钱的就够老。山庄的人可以把音响搬到外面,大家可以做游戏,唱歌,不要一天到晚的斗地主, 没意思。顺便可以叫山庄的人把羊子烤起老。




D1 重庆出发,到永川(修路中,大约一小时,单面路费45元),到达永川后,往野生动物园方向,经过双凤,临江,高滩后到达柏林(永川/柏林45分钟,路况是碎石子路,奥拓都没问题)。柏林是个很原始古朴的小站,慢火车要停靠。把车停好,喊林中乐园老板(他在山脚有个接待站)帮忙看车,开始爬山,不愿爬山的,就坐摩托,十块一人。坐摩托30分钟,爬山一个小时,坐摩托看不到什么好的风景,但爬山,一路上风景真是美丽。可惜我是坐的摩托。到达林中乐园--营地之后,自带帐篷的可以开始扎营,没带的,可以用老板的帐篷(70元/人,含三餐,自带帐篷减掉十元/人的住宿费),也可住林中小木屋(80元/人,含三餐),两人一栋,但都是公用卫生间,简陋,但干净,用水桶接水浇起洗澡--别有一番风味。帐篷跟小木屋都是分布在树林里的,非常舒服。安排好之后,在老板派的人的带领下走十分钟山路去孔雀湖游泳,孔雀湖 质非常好,水温也不错,游泳简直太舒服了。晚上可以吃烧烤,看星星,打牌。这里的菜的味道非常好吃,山野村味。

D2 在向导的带领下,去攀岩,这个攀岩不是我们平时看到的攀岩,是先手拉绳子,滑到半山的一个岩洞处,然后从另一面,攀登钉了铁梯的绝壁,上面有人拉着固定好的绳子,而且还有保险带保护,所以是有惊无险(不好意思的是,我们一群人就偶和一个五岁的儿童没敢去)。然后可以去看千手观音,土匪庙,等等自然风光。午餐后返回。












目前,从市区出发有两条线路可以到达景区,一是重庆———东泉———长生———南川,单程120公里,全程二级路面,用时大概为3小时左右,单程过路费以小车为标准,不超过60元;二是重庆———渝黔高速———万盛———南川,这一条线路三分 一为高速路,其余为二级路面,单程160公里,用时也在3小时左右,高速路收费是35元,万盛到南川有三处收费站,分别是10元、7元、7元,在进山的时候还有一个5元,所以从自驾游的成本来讲,建议各位车友选择东泉线路。(冯宁) 目前到金佛山高速路已经开通了,直接杀过去用时只需1小时,比另两条路省时间不少。推荐

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德国首都柏林旅游攻略 二战时期留下了哪些历史遗迹



坐火车到柏林下,下车就是石笋山。或者汽车也可以。汽车路线(1)——永川-何埂-柏林。(2)永川-水碾(在万水桥下)-坐摩的(最多五元)——到柏林。 客运中心应该有车








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