
导读:都柏林旅游景点英文「你去过柏林吗的英文」 都柏林的英文介绍 都柏林的介绍 dublin属于哪个state


Dublin is the largest city in Ireland and capital of the Republic of Ireland. The Dublin Region consists of the City of Dublin and the area which was formerly known as County Dublin, and covers an area of 922 sq km and contains over a million inhabitants. It has enough attractions to keep a visitor entertained for many days without too much exertion. The city is spread over the broad valley of the River Liffey, with the Wicklow Hills sheltering it on the south.

The earliest reference to Dublin appears in the writings of the Greek astronomer and cartographer Ptolemy around the year A.D. 140. The Vikings arrived in the 10th century and established an important trading post. Christchurch Cathedral was built after the arrival of Christianity in the 13th century. Many of Dublin’s principal buildings and its main street layout date from the end of 18th century and streets of Georgian four-storey townhouses are a distinctive feature of the city’s architecture.

Modern Dublin is a prosperous city with maddening traffic, busy restaurants and a skyline full of construction cranes. As the location of the busiest airport and hub of Ireland’s transport network, most visitors to Ireland will spend some time here and there is plenty to enjoy.


都柏林(英文: Dublin )是爱尔兰共和国的首都以及最大的城市,靠近爱尔兰岛东岸的中心点,位处都柏林郡的丽妃河河口、都柏林地区中心。最早关于都柏林的文献是托勒密的手稿,大约写于140年,他称之为埃布拉纳(Eblana)。都柏林在官方城市边界内的人口是大约505,739人(爱尔兰中央统计处2006年人口调查),然而这种统计已经没有什么太大的意义,因为都柏林的市郊地区和卫星城镇已经大幅地发展与扩张。都柏林市和都柏林郡的人口加起来已经超过了1,045,769人(爱尔兰中央统计处2002年人口调查)。虽然对于“大都柏林都会区”的定义没有一个确切的共识,但是普遍而言大家可以接受这个地区包括了都柏林市和郡,以及部份的威克娄郡、基尔代尔郡和米斯郡,因为通勤带可以延伸到很远的地方.横跨利费伊河的都柏林是一座文化之都,这里的大学、科学院、美术馆为数众多,有上百年历史的老房子随处可见,各种美丽的门窗种满花草,城市里洋溢着一种浓浓的田园气息。这里出生并成就了许多著名的文学家,如叶芝、王尔德、萧伯纳等。都柏林有欧洲最古老的图书馆,在露天广场和大街上常有画家和流浪艺人的表演。市西南的健力士啤酒厂以酿造黑啤闻名,在该厂展览厅顶层可眺望整个都柏林市景。如果想在旅行中寻找历史和文化,都柏林会给你许多惊喜。


都柏林(英文: Dublin )是爱尔兰共和国的首都,同时也是经济、文化、金融中心和世界著名的旅游胜地。其靠近爱尔兰岛东岸的中心点,位处都柏林郡的利菲河河口、都柏林地区中心。





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