
导读:蒙特利尔旅游景点介绍(蒙特利尔旅游景点介绍大全) 加拿大著名的旅游城市和旅游景点有哪些? 加拿大蒙特利尔有什么好玩的地方 加拿大蒙特利尔好玩吗 哪里能找到加拿大蒙特利尔的简介啊?


旅游城市:[加拿大] Vancouver 温哥华

[加拿大] Aklavik 阿克拉维克

[加拿大] Edmonton 艾德蒙顿

[加拿大] Winnipeg 温尼伯

[加拿大] Ottawa 渥太华

[加拿大] Halifax 哈里法克斯

[加拿大] Montreal 蒙特利尔

著名景点:1.Niagara Falls Ontario泥阿加拉大瀑布,加拿大和美国的交界处,什么时候去都能见到彩虹。。很漂亮。附近有很多娱乐设施,还可以在瀑布里坐船。

2.CN tower




4.Central island多伦多中心岛


5.Thousand Islands


6.Quebec city..





9、哈利法克斯城堡-- 位于新斯科舍省哈利法克斯城堡山上。这里历来是兵家必争之地,历史上曾三次建为要塞。现存的城堡建于1825年,是北美最大的石头要塞之一。城堡内有新斯科舍博物馆和兵器军械博物馆。城堡山东麓的古钟楼建筑奇特、雄伟。

10、多伦多电视塔-- 建于1976年。塔高553米,是世界上最高的建筑物。站在塔顶“空间了望台”,可饱瞰安大略湖和多伦多城的湖光美景


12、芬迪国家公园--观赏世界大潮汐的最理想处。位于新不伦瑞克省东南的阿尔马镇附近 公园风景秀丽。明纳斯湾潮是加拿大一著名景观,潮水发来后有排山倒海之势,潮差高达15米。退潮后海滩留下大量海螺、海贝,颇吸引游人。园内除观赏大潮汐外,还可游泳、海浴、垂钓、泛舟,游览森林和野生动物保护区。

13、白求恩故居-- 在加拿大安大略省的格赫文雷斯特镇。白求恩故居房屋矮小典雅,具有北美洲农村的古老风韵。小楼旁种有苍翠的松柏。1974年,已建成白求恩纪念馆。纪念馆陈列着白求恩生活战斗的实物和照片,记载这位国际共产主义战士不平凡的一生。


















皇家山公园于蒙特利尔市区中央,由三座连绵的群山组成在一起的。最高的山头其实也只有233米高,但是因其在蒙特利尔重要的地理位置,皇家山公园的顶端是蒙特利尔的至高点。公园建于1876年,占地共101公顷,由设计纽约中央公园的著名建筑师Frederick Law Olmste负责规划,公园虽然面积不大,但园内却景色宜人,湖水荡漾,波光粼粼,锦鳞游泳,鸥鸟飞翔。在惬意舒适的周末,邀上几个好友,不妨来此郊游,湖边的绿地上,岸边棵棵挺拔的枫树把湖水与蓝天掩映于一体,找块绿地坐下慢慢野餐,伴随着清新的空气,感受温暖秋日里的阳光,枫叶零星散落,光着脚走在如茵的草坪上宛如行走家中温暖舒适的地毯之上十分惬意。




2.前往公园中心的观景台,则可以搭乘地铁在地铁Mont Royal站下车;并搭乘公车#11上山,公车横向穿越公园,即可到达。


探索神秘而有趣的植物世界,与大自然零距离接触,蒙特利尔植物园——植物世界的王国。蒙特利尔植物园建于1931年由加拿大植物学家马里·维克罗林提议兴建的、分别由植物学家和园艺家Henry Teuscher设计完成。蒙特利尔植物园占地面积达185亩,园内主要以法国庭园风格为主,共分10个温室和30个各有主题的室外园区,园内有植物种类丰富达到近22000多种,根据资料显示,蒙特利尔植物园规模是仅次于英国伦敦的KEW皇家植物园,世界第二大,北美最大的植物园。


参考门票价格:旅游淡季 成人6.5加元,60岁以上老人5加元,6-17岁儿童及青少年3.25加元;

旅游旺季 成人8.75加元,60岁以上老人6.5加元,6-17岁儿童及青少年4.5加元。

开放时间:每天早上9:00-傍晚17:00(夏季每天早上9:00-傍晚18:00,9月中旬到10月 每天早上9:00-晚上21:00)








1967年,魁北克省蒙特利尔市举办了1967年世博会——20世纪规模最大也是最成功的世界博览会之一。由于住宅是此届世博会的主题之一,因此建筑师Moshe Safdie接受委托建造一座大规模的住宅综合楼,首先是供来访的政要使用,其次是供蒙特利尔市的居民居住。Safdie设计的栖息地67号 Habitat 67是当时一个 正的建筑杰作,不但提供了一个可相互交流的公寓社区,还能保证租户的私密性与独立性。这个城市中的城市是1967年世博会的一大亮点,已成为蒙特利尔市最抢眼的地标之一。


蒙特利尔赌场建于1993年,是加拿大最大的赌场。它的建筑前身就是1967年蒙特利尔世博会上的法国展览馆和魁北克展览馆。后来在两座展览馆中有修建了一个连接两个管区的建筑,将两个管区相连,也就成为我们几天看到的3个建筑组成的蒙特利尔赌场。它的产权,属于Société des casinos du Québec,一个由魁北克省政府合法经营的公司,一切利润均归省政府。这也使得我们在蒙特利尔数以百计地大型活动中,从不间断地看到赞助商Loto Quebec的身影,比如国际电影节,爵士节,国际烟花节,有些甚至是以他们的名字来命名。


蒙特利尔早年以皮货和木材交易起家,老港口(the Old Port)是发迹地,周边游许多老建筑,保存完好。老港口位于圣劳伦斯河岸,长2.5公里,有四条突堤深入河流。现在它已不具备早年的功能,变为休闲娱乐的好场所。这里有蒙特利尔科学中心,穿梭于里面的高科技展厅,玩一玩集成电子游戏都是不错的选择。还有为了纪念一战中阵亡水手而建的白色古钟塔,它位于港口北端,是远眺景色的好地方,可免费参观。人们可以在老港口周边散步,或进行骑行、轮滑等活动,或是在水中乘坐喷气式游艇。冬天,老港口的冰面是滑冰的好地方;到了夏天,许多节庆也会在老港口举行。


三年前的圣诞街去过。个人觉得最有特色的是老城区(Vieux-Montreal) ,十九世纪的歌德复兴式建筑,青石板的街道,法语的古老招牌,浪漫程度跟法国没差。买特产的话可以去好帮助市场(Bonsecours Market),她百多年前是加拿大国会大楼,银色圆顶的很容易找的。旁边两百多年历史的小教堂(Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours)也不错。

还有就是从老城区向市中心走,会经过圣母圣殿(Basilique Notre-Dame),外面是宏伟的歌德式圣殿,里面是不可思议的蓝色绚丽礼堂,这个一定要去的。

其他皇室山(Mont Royal),奥运场馆等等都可以看看。有几天时间的话建议开车(火车也可以)到魁北克城住上两天,这400年历史的古城才是魁北克省最精彩的景点,也是世界遗产




Updated March 5, 2010

The Montreal Casino

The Underground City

Notre-Dame Basilica

Mount Royal

The Olympic Stadium and environs

The Montreal Casino

Metro Jean-Drapeau and Bus 167 - or inquire at the Dorchester Square tourism counter or at your hotel for free shuttle services, or take a taxi from downtown

The Casino de Montréal is a 24/7 extravaganza of gambling, food and drink. Built inside the pavilions of France and Quebec from Expo 67 on man-made Île Notre-Dame in the midst of the mighty St. Lawrence River, it's a multi-level experience of roaring, tinkling fun. Cards, dice, slot machines, keno, roulette. Only for people aged 18 and over. Bring money.

The Underground City

pdf map from the STM

pdf map from RÉSO

Wikipedia article

Many people come to Montreal to shop in its wide range of international boutiques. Possibly the most famous aspect of shopping in Montreal is the Underground City, waymarked by its official name RÉSO (from the French réseau, meaning network). Constantly growing, the "city" – which links many major buildings and multi-level shopping malls in the downtown area – is a shopper's paradise in any season.

Shown above is a reflection of Place Ville-Marie, whose underground mall was one of the founding elements of the Underground City.

The major portion of the system is reached via Peel and McGill metro stations on the green line, which links via passageways to Bonaventure station on the orange line. East of McGill station is another axis from Place-des-Arts metro down through Complexe Desjardins and beyond.

Safe and sheltered from the elements, the Underground City offers a huge range of goods and services, food courts, cinemas and entertainment, as well as a handy way to get from place to place without weather or traffic problems.

Notre-Dame Basilica

Metro Place d'Armes

Official site

Wikipedia article

Montreal's Notre-Dame Basilica has nothing in common with Paris's except the name. It's a neogothic building dating from 1829, constructed on the site of a much older and smaller church which had been outgrown by its parishioners.

Notre-Dame is noted for its lavish and beautiful interior – stained glass windows, paintings, statues, gold-tipped polychrome carvings, rich altarpiece. It also has a notable Casavant organ and its largest bell, le Gros Bourdon, is the biggest on the continent.

Céline Dion got married at Notre-Dame, it's typically the site of funerals of significant people such as Pierre Trudeau and Maurice Richard, and classical and choral concerts are held there. There's a son et lumière that tells about the church's history.

Notre-Dame shares Place d'Armes with the Vieux Séminaire, dating from 1685, the red sandstone New York Life building (1888) – Montreal's first skyscraper – the elegant deco Aldred Building (1931), the imposing Roman-style Bank of Montreal building, and the central monument to de Maisonneuve, founder of the original settlement of Ville-Marie. Place d'Armes is currently undergoing something of a renovation.

Notre-Dame is only one of many beautiful churches in the city.

Mount Royal

Bus 11 then walk. Or park in one of the mountaintop lots and walk. Or, walk up from the top of Peel Street.

Official website

The lookout on top of Mount Royal is an excellent goal for an urban walk. It's part of Mount Royal Park, laid out long ago by Frederick Law Olmsted, best known for landscaping New York's Central Park.

From the beautifully appointed lookout terrace, downtown Montreal is at your feet, with a view to the river and beyond to the Monteregian Hills. Some sight lines to landmarks are marked along the parapet wall. The chalet by the lookout is open in the daytime and offers shelter and bathrooms.

Mount Royal is an attraction in Montreal in all seasons. In summertime it's a cool airy refug e from the heat of the city, in autumn the changing colours of the trees are a joy, and in winter there's a range of sports from cross-country skiing and snowshoeing to skating and tobogganing or inner-tubing down the slopes.

The top of Mount Royal is divided between the park and two large cemeteries, the Catholic Notre-Dame-des-Neiges cemetery and the nondenominational Mount Royal cemetery. Both of these can be interesting walks: together they form a necropolis among the largest in the world.

The Olympic Stadium and environs

Metro Pie-IX

Official website

The Olympic Stadium was built for Montreal's 1976 Summer Olympics and is used today for some sports events and major concerts. An elevator ascends the world's tallest inclined tower to a lookout on top; tickets are for sale at the base. The stadium is one of Montreal's most curious pieces of architecture and is accompanied by the Biodome (a building originally used for cycle racing during the 1976 games, now a kind of indoor zoo), shown at left above.

Across Sherbrooke Street from the stadium is the Botanical Garden (best in summertime, but with large greenhouses worth a visit any time of year) and the Insectarium.

Across Pie-IX from the stadium is Château Dufresne, built as a grand mansion and now sometimes used for museum exhibits. The Olympic park also contains Saputo Stadium, home of the Impact soccer team, a cinema, the Maurice Richard arena, and also an internationally known, if unofficial, skateboarding venue. Plans are afoot to move the city's planetarium here as well within the next few years.


Montreal 的几个博物馆

Updated February 21, 2010

The official Montreal museums website gives details on the three-day Montreal museum pass, the annual Museums Day on May 30, 2010, and this year's museum theme, City of Glass. Our major museums are:

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Musée d'art contemporain

Canadian Centre for Architecture

Historical museums

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

1379-1380 Sherbrooke West – 514-285-1600

Metro Guy-Concordia or Bus 24

Official website – Wikipedia page

The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal) is the grande dame of the Canadian museum world. Founded in 1860, the original pavilion, shown above at left – now known as the Michal and Renata Hornstein Pavilion – dates from 1912, and the Jean-Noël Desmarais pavilion, facing it across Sherbrooke St., a Moshe Safdie design, from 1991. The pavilions are connected by an underground passage. A new pavilion is currently being constructed inside the old Erskine and American Church which adjoins the museum.

The museum has a large collection of decorative and ethnographic objects, 19th-century paintings, and Canadian paintings, prints and drawings, only a small fraction of which can be displayed at a time. It also hosts major travelling shows. The major summer exhibition in 2010 will be on Miles Davis.

Café and boutique on the premises.

Admission to the permanent displays is free.

Musée d'art contemporain

185 Ste-Catherine West – 514-847-6626

Metro Place-des-Arts or Bus 15, 80/535, 129

Official website – Wikipedia page – Wikipedia page (French)

Montreal's modern art museum, the Musée d'art contemporain, once housed in Cité du Havre, acquired its permanent home by Place des Arts at Jeanne-Mance and Ste-Catherine in 1992. Specializing in works dating from 1940 onwards, the museum hosts shows in all media used by contemporary artists. Admission is $8; Wednesday evenings are free.

Current exhibit: Marcel Dzama, till April 25.

There's an art bookstore in the basement and a café on the premises.

The museum is now also part of the Quartier des spectacles.

Canadian Centre for Architecture

1920 Baile Street – 514-939-7026

Metro Guy-Concordia or Bus 150

Official website – Wikipedia page

The Centre canadien de l'arc hitecture opened in 1989. An interestingly schizoid building, the façade facing René-Lévesque is the grand old Shaughnessy mansion, which came very close to demolition before the museum plan saved it; the façade facing Baile Street (one of downtown's most modest thoroughfares), shown above, is as aloof as modern architecture can be.

It's worth exploring the exterior of the building as part of your visit: the Shaughnessy façade is partially mirrored across René-Lévesque by a spooky sculpture which leads to an entirely surreal sculpture garden with a view over the Ville-Marie Expressway of the lower parts of town.

The CCA is not only a museum that presents exhibits related to architecture, but also a major study centre for the discipline. It also has a bookstore that will tempt anyone with an interest in the design arts, and there are lectures, movie screenings and other events. Adult admission is $10 and Thursday evenings are free.

History museums

Centre d'histoire de Montréal

335 Place Youville – 514-872-3207

Official website

Musée d'archéologie Pointe-à-Callière

350 Place Royale – 514-872-9150

Metro Place d'Armes or Square-Victoria

The Centre d'histoire de Montréal, shown above at left, built inside the old fire hall on Place Youville, is a deliberately tactile and multimedia experience of what Montreal has been like at different eras of its history – elements like lamp posts, fireboxes, a streetcar ride, are brought together to give a sense of the layered history of the city.

Place Royale, home of the Pointe-à-Callière museum, shown above at right, is the location of the very first European settlement in Montreal. The museum includes the 1992 building in the photo as well as several others nearby, including the old Customs House on the square. A visit to the museum includes a 20-minute multimedia presentation encapsulating Montreal's history, and a visit to the archaeological dig beneath the museum, which goes back to the very origins of the city. Temporary exhibits are headlined from time to time.

These two museums are a five-minute walk from each other along beautifully landscaped Place Youville, where you can also see the granite obelisk dating from 1894 that honours the city's founders.

Additional historical museums in Montreal include:

The McCord Museum of Canadian History

690 Sherbrooke West – 514-398-7100

The David M. Stewart Museum

20 chemin Tour-de-l'Isle (the Old Fort), Île Sainte-Hélène


(closed until autumn 2010 for renovations)


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