
导读:桂林英文旅游景点介绍作文(介绍桂林风景英语作文) 介绍桂林的英语作文 写一篇去桂林旅游的英语作文,不少于60词 介绍桂林的英语作文(2) 以“The Place That I Want To Visit Most”为题,写一篇80词左右的英文短文,谈谈你想去桂林旅游的原因 我最喜欢的旅游胜地——英语作文



介绍桂林的英语作文 篇1

Guilin is in the north of Guangxi.The population in the city of Guilin is more than six hundred thousand.There are famous and beautiful sceneries in Guilin. If you come to Guilin,you will know how clear the water is and how green the hills are.Every year many tourists come to Guilin for a visit.You can take a boat to see the scenes of the Li River.You can also visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses. You will enjoy yourself if you go to Guilin.

Guilin lies in the north of Guangxi.There are more than 600,000 people in the city.Guilin is famous for its beautiful sceneries in the world.If you come to Guilin,you will know how clear the water is and how green the hills are.Many tourists come and visit Guilin every year.There you can take a boat to see the scenes of the Li River and visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses.

Welcome to Guilin for a visit.

介绍桂林的`英语作文 篇2

It was Summer. l came to Guilin by train. As soon as I left the station, a few minutes' bus ride took me to the "Hill of Elephant Trunk". The Hill of Elephant Trunk is very big and really like an elephant drinking water. The city of Guilin is small. Looking up, I saw mountains around and in front of me. All of the houses seemed to be at the foot of the mountains.

The water of the Li River is clear and green. Many ships harbour at the part, which is very near, only a few yerds' away. I went to the seven star park and got on the seven star rock. Inside the cave is a magnificent sight. The thousand-year-old stone olocks, the stone bamboos, with the explanation of Miss Guide. become alive and glisten in color.Then I came to the "Camel Hill", which is exactly like a camel. I wanted to ride on its back. The wonder of Guilin lies in its natural beauty, without any artificial element. I rowed in the river and enjoyed it greatly. The rain falls and the mountains are enveloped in steam and fog.

Guilin, the small city is unique and like a water color painting, especially a Chinese painting. I want to actualize my potentiality to add to its color.

介绍桂林的英语作文 篇3

Guilin is a key tourist city of well-known culture and history in china . More people come to Guilin for a visit,deeply impressed and giving high praises.

Guilin is situated along the Lijiang River,which is a attractive in itself.The beauty of water and the Karst peaks towering into the sky have attractedtravelers to this area for centuries.

Along the Lijiang Rive are two famous peaks,Fubo Hill and Xiangbi Hill ,each proudly showing off Guilin’s unique scenery.

While Guilin is a very beautiful place, many travelers simply pass though Guilin on the way to their true destination , Yangshuo. What make this place especially lovely are the people. Yangshuo is home to Zhuang, Yao, Miao and eight other minority groups. Each minority group bears their own customs and traditions.

The common favorite amongst all of the groups is the Song Competition. Each year, the song competition activities are held at the foot of Moon Hill on a mid-autumn day. For the competition, young people from the minority groups climb up to the hill top and sing a love song for their lovers.

介绍桂林的英语作文 篇4

Last week, my parents went to Guilin to visit their friends, so I have the chance to go to Guilin with them. I felt so excited, I had heard about Guilin many times, people told me that the scenery there was very beautiful.

When I arrive there, I could feel the air was different from the city I lived, the air there was so fresh. The second day, my parents went to see the scenery, we rent a boat, enjoying the magnificent mountains and c lean water.

At that moment, I felt I was one member of the Guilin people. People claim that Guilin’s mountain and water rank the first in the world, now I believe. I want to go to visit Guilin again.

介绍桂林的英语作文 篇5

guilin is in the north of guangxi. the population in the city of guilin is more than six hundred thousand. there are famous and beautiful sceneries in guilin.

if you come to guilin, you will know how clear the water is and how green the hills are. every year many tourists come to guilin for a visit. you can take a boat to see the scenes of the li river. you can also visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses.

you will enjoy yourself if you go to guilin.

guilin lies in the north of guangxi. there are more than 600, 000 people in the city. guilin is famous for its beautiful sceneries in the world.

ff you come to guilin, you will know how clear the water is and how green the hills are. many tourists come and visit guilin every year. there you can take a boat to see the scenes of the li river and visit the scenic spots in the city on free buses.

welcome to guilin for a visit.

介绍桂林的英语作文 篇6

Guilin – A Beautiful City in China

In China, there's a saying that "The landscape of Guilin tops that of any other place under heaven." In light of this, I will recommend Guilin as the first destination of my foreign friend's trip to China.

Overlooking the Li Jiang River, Guilin is located in the northeast of Guangxi. The name was derived from the cassia trees of the location. The trees line the streets of the town with yellow flowers blossoming every September, filling the air with sweet scent.

Guilin is a place of breath-taking scenery. From ancient times, Guilin has been noted for its elegant landscape. It features beautiful mountains, clear rivers, grotesque rocks and mystic crags, which is a feast for the eyes. Sitting on a bamboo raft drifting down the river, visitors can see the varied shapes of the pinnacles reflected in the water. They will feel as if they were in a scroll of Chinese landscape painting.

I believe that my foreign friend will marvel at the unparalleled beauty of Guilin.

介绍桂林的英语作文 篇7

Guilin is a sunny land which is well-known for its natural beauty in my mind.l dream of going there on holiday.Luckily,I have an opportunity to visit it last summer holiday.

When we arrived there,we felt so comfortable to its warm weather.Ow-ing to the good latitude,neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer,Guilin seems like spring all the year round.

We rented a boat there and while boating on Li River,I found myself in wonderland.Li River is as clean as a mirror that can reflect the mountains along the river.The mountains are so fantastic.Some of them look like animals;some of them look like plants;and some of them look like human beings.The most impressive one is the Elephant Trunk hill,which is the symbol of the city.

What's more,we also visited the Silver Cave.It's eroded by carbon dioxide and water falls.As you enter the cave,you will discover yourself in another fanciful world.You can't imagine how magic our nature is.

l was so atitracted by the scenery of Guilin.No wonder people said“Gullin's scenery ranks the first".

介绍桂林的英语作文 篇8

Since I was very small, there was a song about Guilin“I want to Guilin, but when I have money, I don’t have time…’’, this is the first impression I have on Guilin, it is so attracting.

As the song’s great power, I said to myself, when I grew up, I must go toGuilin.

When I was in high school, I had the chance to visit there, in the summer holiday, my mother asked me to go there with her to visit an old friend.

I was so excited, my long dream would come true.

I packed my stuff, went to the bus. In the morning, we arrived atGuilin, this was the first time I got so cl ose to it, I took a deep breath, watching all the things in the street.

During the summer holiday, I visited all the scene there, they were so beautiful, no wonder people said“Guilin’s scenery ranks first”.



I had a wonderful trip to Guilin.


I went to Guilin with my family during the summer holidays.We went there by train.We stayed there for five days.


We sew beautiful green hills,clean water and some strange caves.We went boating in Lijiang River.We had some delicions food.Guilin rice noodles were very delicions.We all had a great time.I hope to go there again one day.




Guilin Introduction

Guilin is a key tourist city of well-known culture and history in china . More people come to Guilin for a visit,deeply impressed and giving high praises.

Guilin is situated along the Lijiang River,which is a attractive in itself.The beauty of water and the Karst peaks towering into the sky have attractedtravelers to this area for centuries.

Along the Lijiang Rive are two famous peaks,Fubo Hill and Xiangbi Hill ,each proudly showing off Guilin’s unique scenery.

While Guilin is a very beautiful place, many travelers simply pass though Guilin on the way to their true destination , Yangshuo. What make this place especially lovely are the people. Yangshuo is home to Zhuang, Yao, Miao and eight other minority groups. Each minority group bears their own customs and traditions.

The common favorite amongst all of the groups is the Song Competition. Each year, the song competition activities are held at the foot of Moon Hill on a mid-autumn day. For the competition, young people from the minority groups climb up to the hill top and sing a love song for their lovers.


Situated in the northeastern corner of the Guangxi Autonomous Region,the city of Guilin is famous all over the world for its green hills,clear waters,fantastic caves and spectacular rocks. It is one of China's best-known tourist scenic cities,claiming to have the "finst mountains andrivers under heaven".

"Thousands of pinnacles stand towering around;a river winds its way about the city."This is a vivid description of Guilin scenery.

The hills and pinnacles in Guilin,gifted by nature,rise sharply from the ground in many different shapes. Diecai Hill,Duxiu Peak, Nanxi Hill, Crescent Hill and Putuo Hill are the biggest attractions for tourists when they make a tour of the city.

THe Li River is limpid with crystal water.A boat trip on the river from Guilin to Yangshuo covers a distance of 83 vkilometres.This section of the river makes a unique traditional Chinese Painting with its clear water and clustersof pinnacles.Elephant Hill,Chuanshan Hill,Pagoda Hill,Qifengzhen Peak Forest, Crown cave, Painted Cliff,Xingping Town and Green Lotus Peak are the extraordinary scenic spots along the river.

Picturesque caves can be found all over the Guilin hills. Bead Flute Cave,Seven-Star Cave and Chuanshan Cave are honored as "Palace of Nature's Art".They are like magnificent buildings in heaven, with a thousand and one fabulous scenes. Stalactites and stalagmites in the caves present colorful pictures.Visiting these caves is like touring a pearl exhibition or a jade palace.



1、题和立意凡考试作文必须审题,原因是考生要在同一环境下,作公平的竞争。审题,就是要对试题展现的所有内容作全面、准确的审读和理解,把命题者的意图读出来,把题目的各种限制审清楚,明确要我写什么,怎么写,写到什么程度,真正做到全面领会,深刻把握,不偏不漏、不折不扣地按要求写作文。高考作文评判明确规定,凡审题有问题的试卷最后得分一般都不超过二类卷最低分。由此可见,审题的准确与否是作文成败的关键因素。立意,就是要作者站在时代的高度,去观察、认识生活,提炼主题,使主题体现时代的精神,既反映时代,也作用于时代,跳动时代的脉搏,推动着时代的前进。文章的“意”, 其实就是作者在体验生活中逐步孕育而成的一种思想,是作 者的主观认识与客观实际相“撞击”的产物,它反映作者的思想水平、认识水平以及在社会生活中形成的世界观、人生观、价值观等。近两年的作文教改提倡学生写真实生活、真实自我,有些同学忽视了对文章思想倾向的把握,看问题不全面,观点偏激,更有甚者由腐败现象而怀疑党的领导和党的政策。尽管当今的中国社会政治清明,言论自由,话说错了不会追查什么政治问题,但作为未来社会的建设者,正确的是非观还是应该有的。这一点必须注意。



4、开头和结尾应试作文的开头结尾,就是文章的刀刃。平时在课内外所学的各种开头结尾的方法完全可以用在应试作文上。不管你使用什么方法开头和结尾,必须做到开头起笔入题,结尾点明主旨。为了给评卷老师一个好的印象,开头结尾千万不要涂抹。有道是:良好的开端是成功的一半。可有些考生犯“入题慢”的毛病: 的把大段的原材料全部照搬;有的把本来简洁的原材料进行扩展;有的开篇摆材料,古今中外,慢慢道来。开篇松散,占去了大量的篇幅,后面的真正应该说的内容却“千呼万唤不出来”,有的只是一笔带过,草草收兵,比例严重失调,使老师难以衡量其实际写作水平。古人写文章讲究“凤头”、“猪肚”、“豹尾”,这是有一定道理的。可有些考生作文来不及刹尾,或用一句话硬断,或点上一串省略号,这样即使你雕出了“凤头”,壮大了“猪肚”,也会因为没有“豹尾”而不成其好文章,得不到高分。阅卷老师衡量一篇文章的好坏,首先是看其整体。所以,考生交给老师的无论如何也应是一篇完整的作文。




以“The Place That I Want To Visit Most”为题,写一篇80词左右的英文短文,谈谈你想去桂林旅游的原因


The place that I want to visit most is Guilin because it is one of the most attractive tourism places in China.Guilin is famous for Li River and Elephant Truck Hill.They are the symbols of Guilin.


People can enjoy the landscape on the bamboo raft and meanwhile talk to the Guilinese.People can learn a lot about the Ethnic Minorities culture there.There are also many delicious local food Guilin,such as Guilin rice noodles,Flowerbridge chilli paste.


I really want to try them by my own month.I can't wait to fly there now.






I like traveling very much. I believe that the secret of life lies in traveling. Maybe the scenery in the distance is more beautiful than the place you are in.

I spend all my spare time traveling. My favorite tourist destination is Tibet, which is located on the Tibetan Plateau. It makes it wrapped in the mysterious Tibet Autonomous Region, the largest administrative region of China.Tibetan Buddhism has a history of thousands of years and thousands of temples are all over Tibet All places have brought a strong solemn atmosphere to Tibet. The magnificent Potala Palace is located in the west of Lhasa City, not far from Lhasa River. The water is emerald with simple people and blue sky.

All these attract me so much. I look forward to being there every day.







My favorite holiday is to go to Guilin with my parents, because Guilin is one of the most attractive tourist attractions in China. Guilin is famous for Lijiang River and elephant trunk mountain. They are the symbols of Guilin.

People can enjoy the scenery on bamboo rafts and talk with Guilin people. There are many delicious local dishes in Guilin Such as Guilin rice noodles, Huaqiao chili sauce, I really want to have a taste with my parents in my own mouth. I can't wait to go there.





Many people have favorite places to go,when they are sad or bored. I also have places I often go to.Here are my three favorite places.

First of all, I like zoos. Animals are amazing because some are so cute and some are so ugly.I like to touch them, feed them and watch them perform.Museums are also cool places. They have good exhibits and fascinating displays. I like the art works there.Museums teach me a lot about history and science, from dinosaurs to robots. I finally fell in love with them. I also like to go theme park. I think the roller coaster is the best. It's fun with screams.

These places always let me go. I want to go to my favorite place once a year.And I want to find more places to go when I grow up.






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