
导读:运城旅游景点英文介绍(运城旅游景点英文介绍词) 英语作文 我的家乡(山西运城) 英语介绍我的家乡——山西运城 运城旅游景点英文介绍 描写运城风光的英语作文

英语作文 我的家乡(山西运城)

Introduction of my hometown


Yuncheng is seat in the south of Shanxi province, which is skirted on three sides by Lvliang Mountains and Taihang Mountains, with one side opening onto Yellow River, having the total area about 24,000 square kilometers. Yuncheng is the most famous place and local people believe that it was called China earliest in story.

This ancient city has a approximately 5000 years history. From Chinese myth of Nvwa to Guanyu, archaeologists find many valuable sites here.

This wide piece of land reserves antiquity records of human’s using fire, making salt, growing crops, feeding silkworms and est. unexaggratingly speaking, Yuncheng, also named Hedong, which means in the east of river, is the cradle of Chinese civilization.

Compared with other cities, Yuncheng is the most richly endowed with some major natural resources for industry, especially energy resources such as iron, coal, and magnesium. Because of the abundance of sunshine and mild climate, Yuncheng has an ideal environment for many kinds of north fruits, like apple, to grow.

Never showing his long life from the date of human’s birth, tourist industry benefiting from the well development of transportation system, becomes an important part in Yuncheng’s economy.

You would find Buddhism in Wutai Mountain, enjoy your fantabulous view on Yellow River Bridge, touch those age-old compounds, and would also taste various kinds of delicious food made of flour.

Not only is it a historical city, but a modern city as well. Yon may like to find its beauty by your own.

Welcome to Yuncheng.


一档13-15分 包含所有要点,应用了较丰富的语言结构和词汇, 用词准确、语法正确、句子通顺、行文连贯、表达清楚,具有较强的语言运用能力。

二档10-12 分 基本包含所有要点,应用了较丰富的语言结构和词汇,句子较通顺,表达较清楚,但有少量错误。

三档7-9分 内容包含了多数要点,语言表达过于简单,句子不够通顺,有部分语言错误,基本上不影响总体理解。

四档4-6分 只包含了少数要点,语言不规范,句子无条理,行文不连贯,语言错误严重,影响理解。

五档1-3分 只写出与要求的内容相关的一些信息词语,语言错误多。

六档0分 空白。


Introduction of my hometown


Yuncheng is seat in the south of Shanxi province, which is skirted on three sides by Lvliang Mountains and Taihang Mountains, with one side opening onto Yellow River, having the total area about 24,000 square kilometers. Yuncheng is the most famous place and local people believe that it was called China earliest in story.

This ancient city has a approximately 5000 years history. From Chinese myth of Nvwa to Guanyu, archaeologists find many valuable sites here. This wide piece of land reserves antiquity records of human’s using fire, making salt, growing crops, feeding silkworms and est. unexaggratingly speaking, Yuncheng, also named Hedong, which means in the east of river, is the cradle of Chinese civilization.

Compared with other cities, Yuncheng is the most richly endowed with some major natural resources for industry, especially energy resources such as iron, coal, and magnesium. Because of the abundance of sunshine and mild climate, Yuncheng has an ideal environment for many kinds of north fruits, like apple, to grow.

Never showing his long life from the date of human’s birth, tourist industry benefiting from the well development of transportation system, becomes an important part in Yuncheng’s economy. You would find Buddhism in Wutai Mountain, enjoy your fantabulous view on Yellow River Bridge, touch those age-old compounds, and would also taste various kinds of delicious food made of flour.

Not only is it a historical city, but a modern city as well. Yon may like to find its beauty by your own.

Welcome to Yuncheng.







十王堂 十王堂位于普救寺中轴线之西侧,形制与罗汉堂相 同并相对而立,一九九八年修复。佛教说阴间有十王(即十殿阎罗王),堂内因塑有 十王的塑像而得名,当年张生游寺时曾到过此堂。

罗汉堂 罗汉堂位于普救寺中轴线之东侧,宋代形制,宽五间,深四椽,单檐悬山顶,前檐后廊,一九八八年修复。罗汉是“阿罗汉”的省称,是释迦牟尼的护法弟子。原在印度只有十六尊者,后来又增加了两尊。到宋代成为十八罗汉。《西厢记》中,张生游寺“数了罗汉”即指此处。

弥陀殿 弥陀殿位于普救寺中轴线之南隅。宋代形制。面阔三间,进深四椽,单檐歇顶。一九八七年修复。殿前菩萨洞顶是宽敞的平台,供游人眺览小憩。  此殿以供阿弥陀佛而得名。阿弥陀佛是梵语的禅音,意思是“无量光明”,又称无量寿佛。

天王殿 天王殿在普救寺中轴线前隅,明代形制,面阔三间,进深四椽, 单檐歇顶,系一九八七年修复。 古印度神话称须弥山有“四大天王”,佛教也采用其说,宣称“四大天王”各护一方天下,故称“护世天王”,俗称“四大金刚”。

描写运城风光的英 语作文


My hometown is Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, located at the southwest end of Shanxi Province. There is no beautiful West Lake in the south of the Yangtze River and no myriad customs in Rio. There is a different scenery.


"West Garden" is a big park in Yuncheng, which is also a major feature of Yuncheng, especially in spring. As soon as you enter the "West Garden", you can see the peach blossoms on both sides of the road. Each one is so pink, just like little girls smeared with rouge. They look more moving against the light green leaves.


The beautiful Nanfeng square is also a great beauty of Yuncheng. Stepping into the south wind square, the grass is like grass and the flowers are like brocade; The land is vast and the sky is far away. It is refreshing and pleasant. I love my hometown Yuncheng. Welcome friends from all over the world to visit Yuncheng!



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