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The Immortal Bridge(Chinese: 仙人桥; pinyin: Xiānrén Qiáo), a natural landscapeMount Tai is a tilted fault-block mountain with height increasing from the north to the south. It is the oldest example of a paleo-metamorphic formation from the Cambrian Period in eastern China. Known as the Taishan Complex, this formation contains magnetized, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock as well as intrusions of other origins during the Archean Era. The uplift of the region started in the Proterozoic Era; by the end of the Proterozoic, it had become part of the continent.

Besides the Jade Emperor Peak, other distinctive rock formations are the Heaven Candle Peak, the Fan Cliff, and the Rear Rock Basin.

Mount Tai lies in the zone of oriental deciduous forest; about 80% of its area is covered with vegetation. The flora is known to comprise almost 1,000 species. Some of the trees in the area are very old and have cultural significance, such as the Han Dynasty Cypresses, which were planted by the Emperor Wu Di, the Tang Chinese Scholartree (about 1,300 years old), the Welcoming-Guest Pine (500 years old) and the Fifth-Rank Pine, which was named originally by the Emperor Qin Shi Huang, but was replanted about 250 years ago.

[edit] Physical FeaturesMt. Taishan rises abruptly from the vast plain of central Shandong, and is naturally endowed with many scenic sites. Geologically, it is a tilted fault-block mountain, higher to the south than north, and is the oldest and most important example of the paleo-metamorphic system representative of the Cambrian Period in eastern China. Referred to as the Taishan Complex, it comprises magnetized, metamorphic, sedimentary rock and an intrusive mass of various origins that were formed in the Archean Era 170-200 million years ago. Subsequently, in the Proterozoic Era, the Taishan region began to rise, becoming part of the continent by the end of the era. Uplift continued until the middle of the Cenozoic Era. The gneiss which emerged in the Taishan region is the foundation for all of North China. Cambrian strata, fully emerged in the north, are rich in fossils. Six streams flow from the summit, their water renowned for its extremely low mineral content, slight acidity (pH = 6.3) and relatively high oxygen content (6.4 milligrams per liter (mg/l).

[edit] ClimateThe area falls within the warm temperate climatic zone. Meterological data are not available.

[edit] VegetationVegetation covers 79.9% of the area, which is densely wooded, but information about its composition is lacking. The flora is diverse and known to comprise 989 species, of which 433 species are woody and the rest herbaceous. Medicinal plants total 462 species and include multiflower knotweed, Taishan ginseng, Chinese gromwell and sealwort, which are renowned throughout the country. Some trees are very old and famous, notably the Han Dynasty Cypresses(planted 2,100 years ago by Emperor Wu Di of the Han Dynasty), 'Welcoming Guest Pine' (500 years old) and 'Fifth Rank Pine' (named by Emperor Qin Shi Huang of the Qin Dynasty and replanted some 250 years ago).

[edit] FaunaThere are over 200 species of animals in addition to 122 species of birds, but precise details are lacking. Large-scaled fish Varicorhinus macrolepis is found in running water at 300-800 m. Considered a delicacy in the Qing Dynasty, it is one of the five most famous edible fishes in China.

[edit] Cultural significance

Temple complex at the top of Mount Tai

Sunrise viewed from Lu-Viewing PlatformIt has so many reputations from its cultural position. According to historical records, Mount Tai became a sacred place haunted by emperors to offer sacrifices and meditate in the Zhou Dynasty over 1,000 years before the Christian era. A total of 72 emperors were recorded as visiting it. Men of letters also came to acquire inspiration, to compose poems, write essays, paint and take pictures. Hence, a great many cultural relics were left on the mountain.

[edit] Gods venerated on Mount Tai[edit] Emperor Lord of Mount TaiThe Emperor Lord of Mount Tai (Chinese: 东岳大帝; pinyin: Dōngyuè Dàdì) is the supreme god of Mount Tai. According to one tradition, he is a descendant of Pangu.

[edit] Bixia YuanjunBixia Yuanjun (Chinese: 碧霞元君; pinyin: Bìxiá Yuánjūn) also known as the "Heavenly Jade Maiden" (Chinese: 天仙玉女; pinyin: Tiānxian Yùnǚ) or the "Empress of Mount Tai" (Chinese: 泰山娘娘; pinyin: Tàishān Niangniang). According to one of the legends, she is the daughter of the Emperor Lord of Mount Tai. Statues of Bixia Yuanjun often depict her holding a tablet with the Big Dipper as a symbol of her authority.

[edit] Yanguang NainaiYanguang Nainai (Chinese: 眼光奶奶; pinyin: Yǎnguāng Nǎinǎi) is the Goddess of Eyesight and often portrayed as an attendant to Bixia Yuanjun.

[edit] Songzi NiangniangSongzi Niangniang (Chinese: 送子娘娘; pinyin: Sòngzi Niangniang) is the Goddess of Fertility, like Yanguang Nainai, she is often portrayed as an attendant to Bixia Yuanjun.

[edit] Shi GandangShi Gandang (Chinese: 石敢当; pinyin: Shígǎndāng) is a spirit sent down from Mount Tai by Bixia Yuanjun to protect ordinary people from evil spirits.

[edit] Dai Miao

Dai Temple at Mount TaiThe Temple of the God of Mount Tai, known as the Dai Temple (Chinese: 岱庙; pinyin: Dàimiào), is the largest and most complete ancient building complex in the area. It is located at the foot of Mount Tai in the city of Tai'an and covers an area of 96,000 square meters. The temple was first built during the Qin Dynasty. Since the time of the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD), its design has been a replica of the imperial palace, which makes it one out of three extant structures in China with the features of an imperial palace (the other two are the Forbidden City and the Confucius Temple in Qufu). The temple has five major halls and many small buildings. The centerpiece is the Palace of Heavenly Blessings (Tian Kuang), built in 1008, during the reign of the last Northern Song Emperor Huizong. The hall houses the mural painting "The God of Mount Tai Making a Journey", dated to the year 1009. The mural extends around the eastern, western and northern walls of the hall and is 3.3 metres high and 62 metres long. The theme of the painting is an inspection tour by the god. Next to the Palace of Heavenly Blessings stand the Yaocan Pavilion and the entrance archway as well as the Bronze Pavilion in the northeast corner. The Dai Temple is surrounded by the 2,100 year-old Han Dynasty cypresses. Oldest surviving stair may be 6000 granite steps to the top of the sacred Tai Shan mountain in China

The site contains a number of well-preserved steles from the Huizong reign, some of which are mounted on bixi tortoises. There is a much later, Qianlong-era bixi-mounted stele as well.[6]

Dongyue Temple at Mount Tai

Zengfu Temple at Mount Tai[edit] Azure Clouds TempleThe Azure Clouds Temple (Chinese: 碧霞祠; pinyin: BìXiá Cí), near the top of the mountain is another grand building complex, a special combination of metal components, wood, and bricks and stone structures. From the Taishan Temple to the Azure Clouds Temple there are numerous stone tablets and inscriptions and ancient buildings on the way. Visitors derive much pleasure from climbing Mount Taishan. From the red gate at the foot of the mountain to the South Heaven Gate at the top are some 7,000 stone steps, which wind their way up the mountain slopes, each step offering a different view.

[edit] Other monumentsA flight of 7,200 total steps (including inner temple steps), with 6,293 Official Mountain Walkway Steps, lead up the East Peak of Mount Tai, along its course, there are 11 gates, 14 archways, 14 kiosks, and 4 pavilions.

In total, there are 22 temples, 97 ruins, 819 stone tablets, and 1,018 cliff-side and stone inscriptions located on Mount Tai. These include the Jade Emperor Temple (C hinese: 玉皇庙; pinyin: Yùhuáng Miào), the Qingdi Palace (Chinese: 青帝宫; pinyin: Qīngdì Gōng), a Confucius Temple (Chinese: 孔子庙; pinyin: Kǒngzi Miào), the Dou Mu Hall (Chinese: 斗母宫; pinyin: Dòumǔ Gōng) and the Puzhao Temple (Chinese: 普照寺; pinyin: Pǔzhào Sì).

Among the tablets and inscriptions on the top of Mount Tai, the inscription that declares Mount Tai the "Most Revered of the Five Sacred Mountains" (simplified Chinese: 五岳独尊; traditional Chinese: 五岳独尊; pinyin: Wǔyuè Dúzūn) on the "Sun Viewing Peak" (Chinese: 日观峰; pinyin: Rìguān Fēng) is particularly renown. It was written by a member of the Aisin Gioro clan (Chinese: 爱新觉罗玉构; pinyin: Àixīn Juéluō Yùgòu) in 1907 and is featured on the reverse side of the 5 yuan bill of the 5th series renminbi banknotes. Another inscription marks the "Lu-Viewing Platform" (Chinese: 瞻鲁台; pinyin: Zhānlǔ tái) from which Confucius took in the view over his home state of Lu and then pronounced "The world is small".

The Wordless Stela (Chinese: 无字碑; pinyin: Wúzì Bēi) stands in front of the Jade Emperor Temple. Legend has it that the emperor who commissioned the stela was dissatisfied with the planned inscription and decided to leave it blank instead.






新泰莲花山 行宫景区、太平庵景区、云谷寺景区、北天门景区、响铃碑景区、魔子坊景区。有三条主要游览线路:中路主要景点有汉武行宫、补天石、看天石、云门、古柏一株、十八盘、新泰莲花山南天门、快活二里、云谷飞瀑、圣水瓶、两山排闼、五大夫松、云谷寺、红云洞、白云洞、兴云洞、对松山、北天门、东高峰、西高峰;西路主要景点有初入佳境、老汉推车、风动石通天河、太公石、姊妹松、奇观、太平庵、青龙潭、五云涧、一线天水帘洞、子母泉;东路是盘山公路,直达主峰西高峰,时而盘旋于悬崖峭壁之上,时而穿行于茂密的森林之中,自然景色变幻无穷,让人心旷神怡。


位于新泰市北部,古称新甫山,因九峰环抱状似莲花而更名,总面积100平方公里,主峰海拔999米。此山为一断块隆起的山地,经历了漫长复杂的地质演化过程,地学旅游资源内容丰富,类型多而奇特,其中晚太古代早期(距今28-30亿年)形成的科马提岩是迄今世界发现的4处典型地质遗存之一。莲花山历史文化悠久,文物古迹丰富,志载:“秦始皇东巡驻跸,汉武帝封禅于此,新泰莲花山见仙人迹,建离宫于上。”至今山上仍存有汉武帝庙、甘露堂、炼丹院、炼丹炉遗址。至唐代以后,佛教传入,大修佛教寺院,有云谷寺、高泉寺、太平庵、八卦殿、观音院等。主殿均供奉观世音,并逐渐发展为观音菩萨北方道场,有“观音胜境,北方”之誉。历代雅士云集,留下大量的赞美诗篇。 莲花山山峰瑰秀,沟深谷幽,奇石遍布,泉潭众多,森林覆盖率达到82.5%。有东、中、西三条游览路线,主要景观有新甫拥翠、仙台夕照、鲁柏含润、汉宫故迹等各类自然、人文景观200余处。中路自青龙潭至云谷飞瀑有往复式索道运营。每年农历“六月六”举办庙会都吸引了大批信众和游客。 莲花山有山门,门内地势开阔,被称作观音广场,是观音显圣说法、普救众生的法场。沿路上走,为汉武碑亭,内有汉武皇帝碑,是莲花山现存古碑中体量最大的一座碑,因人为破坏只剩下了上半部分。碑额篆书“汉武皇帝之碑”和“大元至正”落款仍隐约可见。此碑为新泰羊流籍人,湖北麻城县尉徐彬所立,迄今已有700多年历史。 沿梵音亭前行为观音院,为莲花山风景区山下的第一座佛教寺院,也是观世音菩萨的北方中心道场。始建于清朝雍正元年,初名观音行宫,是齐鲁名寺之一。2004年6月重修,2005年6月峻工开放,并易名为观音院。院旁有观音阁,位于观音广场三层平台之上,也是观音道场的标志性建筑。观音阁于2005年开始设计、施工,包括地下、地上两部分,地下宫殿供奉9999尊观音立像,地上部分观音阁总高27.6米,三重飞檐,阁内楼梯可达二层,阁内观音金身立像,由设计制作无锡灵山大佛南京油画雕塑院制作,像总高15.38米,底部莲花座高2.19米,直径6.19米,高大雄伟。 莲花山山水风光旖旎,五云涧上端的子母泉,由于崖间巨石横卧,形成了上泉下流的独特景观。真正代表莲花山水缘的是位于莲花山入口处西侧的魏家峪水库。这个总面积一万多平方米水面的人工湖被当地群众亲切地称为映莲湖,因为每逢晴日,整座莲花山会倒影湖中,形成平湖映莲景观。 莲花山现为国家3A级景区、国家森林公园世界地质公园,知名度日益提高,客流量不断增长。


金秋莲花山,天高云淡,瑰丽多姿,是登高、赏秋、吸氧、健身、休闲旅游好时节。随着国庆节临近,很多游客已经做好了出游莲花山的计划,他们期待七天假期能带给自己别样的体验。 新泰莲花山古称新甫山,春秋时期为齐鲁界山,东西绵延15公里,总面积100平方公里,主峰天台峰海拔999米。这座新兴的集生态休闲度假、佛教文化旅游于一体的风景区,作为世界地质公园、国家森林公园,自然景观独具特色,文化底蕴深厚 ,古迹遗址众多。


莲花山是山东省面积比较大的国家森林公园,植物区系丰富。林木以松柏为多,“新甫拥翠”胜景古今著名。莲花山早在2500多年前,莲花山就以“新甫之柏”载于《诗经》。森林繁茂,以松柏为主,覆盖率达90%以上,形成了“新甫拥翠”的森林胜景,并因负氧离子和舒缓人体紧张的芬多精含量高,被誉为“天然氧仓、健康驿站”。 金秋的新泰莲花山色彩斑斓、神韵独具,百日红、月季牡丹、牵牛花及数不清的山间野花争相绽放,红叶石楠、金叶女贞、五角枫等彩色观叶树木摇曳招展,与翠绿松柏、绿草相互映衬,多姿多彩。 山因水而灵,水因山而秀。莲花山有秀水九条,潭瀑一百,雨季水量大恢宏壮观,旱季水量小潺潺灵动。通天河、青龙潭、子母泉瀑布、云谷飞瀑为游客津津乐道的水景。特别是子母泉瀑布,是山东著名的瀑布之一,它实际上是一处悬瀑,因水从石缝流出而俗称为泉。因有巨石相隔,瀑水分成两股,左边水流大好比为母泉,右边的水流小好比为子泉。子母泉两边的悬崖陡峭直立,抬头仰望,只能看到一线蓝天,所以,这里还被称为一线天。子母泉瀑布左边是天然洞窟潮音洞。洞窟虽小,可因里面有观音结伽趺坐显得灵气有加。潮音洞口面朝五云涧,上有峭壁耸立,右临清泉净水,四周绿树成荫林茂密。云谷飞瀑是莲花山最主要的瀑布景观之一,水流由两座高峰之间的数条溪水汇聚而来,沿断崖顺势而下,落差达50余米,在雨水充沛时尤为壮观。云谷飞瀑水流直下后经过两处断崖,又形成了两个瀑布,成为莲花山云谷三以迭瀑,终年奔泻不息,在树影衬托之下若隐若现,好似一条长练随风起舞,婀娜多姿,别有风情。




莲花山更多的魅力来自于今天被我们称为“佛学”的一门旷古学问,除了那些深奥的佛经梵语和悠远的理想,这门古老学问还告诉人们最为现实和超前的生活态度。千百年中,它带来了众多宫殿般的庙宇,奠定了莲花山作为中国北方最大观音道场的基础。每年农历二月十九、四月初八、六月十九、九月十九的莲花山佛教文化活动日,及六月初六莲花山民间庙会,从观音院到云谷寺,香客如涌,秩序井然,场面蔚为壮观。佛教文化与北方民俗的巧妙融合,使莲花山成为与浙江普陀山遥相呼应的北方地区独特的观音胜境。 近几年,为了打造好莲花山“观音胜境、北方普陀”旅游品牌,新泰市加大了基础设施和配套服务设施建设力度,新修了莲花山旅游专用通道和三个大型生态停车场,改造了京沪高速新泰出口、果都出口,滨新高速新泰出口至莲花山的公路,沿途均设置了通往莲花山的指示标志,使莲花山的可进入性大大提高。景区内盘山道路宽敞,且互联互通,即使在游人达到高峰时,也非常通畅舒适。游客如果感到爬山太累,可以乘坐缆车上下山。莲花山观光索道水平距离近千米,高差达269米,坐在吊厢内可饱览云谷胜景。


云谷寺将举行开光典礼 今年10月17日(农历九月十九日),新泰莲花山云谷寺将举办盛大开光典礼,届时,高僧、居士云集,祈福天下。 云谷寺处在东西两座高峰之间山谷中,海拔700余米。这里经年祥云缭绕,法喜常伴,故名“云谷寺”。它与周围的环境融为一体,创造出了一种优美宜人的生存环境,使生活于其中的人们心旷神怡,也使前来朝拜或游赏的人士如置仙境,流连忘返。附近山崖上的“人间天上”石刻,刻画出了云谷寺所处的仙佛境界。




莲 山的独特旅游资源使这里的节庆活动独具特色。农历二月十九观音圣诞日、六月十九日观音成道日、九月十九日观音出家日分别举办佛教法会,当日进山门票10元/张。 农历四月初八佛祖释迦牟尼圣诞日举办浴佛放生法会,当日(若在“五一”小长假内除外)进山门票半价优惠。 莲花山还在每年的农历六月初一至初六举办莲花山民间庙会,庙会期间,进山门票半价优惠。








Xinjiang Tourist Attractions: Heavenly Lake, Urumqi Lop Nur, the Tianshan, Tianshan Wild Animal Park, Nanshan natural scenic spots, Bayanbulak Swan Lake, Bai Yanggou, Bayanbulak grasslands, Dabancheng District town, Urumqi Mogui Cheng, miquan niangniangmiao, Changji original Populus euphratica, Changji city, Bear Gully Scenic Miquan blind, Changji Cheshi old course, Sailimu Lake, rocks valley scenic areas, narat grasslands, Sailimu Lake, Ili, guozigou, Altai, etc.新疆旅游景点:天池乌鲁木齐罗布泊、、天山天山野生动物园南山天然风景区巴音布鲁克天鹅湖、白杨沟、巴音布鲁克草原达坂城区古镇乌鲁木齐魔鬼城米泉娘娘庙昌吉原始胡杨林昌吉古城米泉瞎熊沟风景区、昌吉车师故道、赛里木湖怪石峪风景区、 那拉提草原赛里木湖伊犁河果子沟阿尔泰山


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