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For years we've been told by doctors, trainers and friends that all we need to go running is a good pair of shoes. However, according to Eileen Duane, an ACE personal trainer at Berkshire Functional Fitness in Great Barrington and founder of Berkshire Barefooters, the key to a good run is not your sneakers -- but your unadorned feet.

Duane, 53,Vibram FiveFingers flow, has been a runner all her life but has just recently traded her sneakers for Vibram FiveFingers "foot gloves," and now she hopes that other Berkshire runners will do the same. On Friday, May 5,Vibram FiveFingers classic, and Saturday, May 6, Duane will host a film screening and workshop on barefoot running. The idea, she said, is to inform interested runners (and even nonrunners) about the benefits of shoes-off trekking.

"We are merging that weekend for a film and workshop to see who would be interested," she said. "I am getting very excited about the upcoming start of the Berkshire Barefooters. Last year I went to the first annual Barefoot Run in New York City and became so inspired that I came up with the idea of starting a group in Great Barrington. I read Born to Run' the year before. I have been a runner my whole life and at 51 decided to wear my Vibram FiveFingers on my runs. Sometimes I do run totally nude (on the feet).

"There is a training process to learning how to switch from running with sneakers to barefoot, so as a personal trainer I decided I could help and also find similar souls,'" she quipped.

Not surprisingly, Duane has been able to initiate the formation of her barefooted tribe through friends and work contacts. Bill Meier, aquatic director at Simon's Rock College and a co-worker of Duane's, is one such "soul." According to him, taking off barefoot is good for the body and the soul.

"I had heard about barefoot running about two years ago and was drawn to try it because of the glowing testimonials of enthusiasts," he said. "It seems like a rational decision -- your legs are their own shock absorbers. Some people are predicting that there will be a complete rethinking of sneaker design because of this. That is not a trend. I run now with Converse All Stars, which have very little cushion in the heal and a flat sole. When I run on the balls of my feet, I can really feel the difference -- a lot less structural pounding."

Meier's and Duane's personal experience with barefoot running (and with its benefits) is supported by the extensive research of Daniel Lieberman, a professor in the Department of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University. In 2004, Lieberman, along with Dennis Bramble (Department of Biology at the University of Utah) published a review article for Nature magazine titled "Endurance Running and the Evolution of Homo." The article outlined the endurance running capabilities of our ancient ancestors and how, in most cases, early humans (and even contemporary cultures, particularly in Africa) continued to hunt and run successfully without the need for sneakers.

While his findings may not be a revelation for the humans who have been running for millions of years, "apparently safely, in running flats, in thin sandals or moccasins, or in no shoes at all," it is news for Duane and other barefooters looking to feel and be grounded without the need for Nikes.

"I come from an athletic family, and my four brothers are all runners," she said. "I have loved running since I was a young girl. My eldest brother Timmy, who was a marathoner and at age 61 stills runs every day for miles, told me about the book Born to Run' (a national best-seller by Christopher McDougall). Christopher had one question that no one was able to answer: Why does my foot hurt?'"

According to Duane, McDougall found his answer when he visited the Tarahumara Indians in Mexico, who had been running barefoot for centuries and who had developed foot-saving techniques for running hundreds of miles barefoot.

"It is an inspirational story that also explains how the modern shoe of today came out in the 70s wi th absolutely no science behind it. In fact, the cushioned heel not only forces one heel to strike but it shortens the Achilles tendon and calf muscles. So now I was excited and angry. In the 70s, I was a young runner buying into the fact that I needed fat heels, and I was taught to heel strike! So my sneakers came off and I had to find some kind of footwear that I could run with and walk around in, something that would be healthy and give my foot some integrity back."

While the Vibram FiveFingers did restore some of that "integrity," Duane admitted that learning to run barefoot took a lot of practice, stretching and time.

"It took me months of just walking in them before I could run in them. I had to completely heal, train and stretch my hamstrings,Vibram FiveFingers kso, calves and feet before I ran barefoot. I had to learn how to run completely differently. When you run barefoot, you have to run correctly. You would never land on your heel unless you wanted a concussion. It is like the foot becomes a diving board instead of a collision to the heel. Every part of your foot becomes used in running toe to heel.








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(10月4日周二)第五天:火车站坐世园7号线,约09:00进入园区。按下面线路参观:长安花谷—大学区—湖西地方园区—绿色休闲体验区—鸟语林—椰风水岸—长安园—自然馆—盆景园—灞上人家—各科技园—世界园林—德国奥尔登堡园—万桥园—迷宫山水园中国地图—黄土园—地球之声园—植物学家花园—山之迷径—土耳其园—意大利园—荷兰园—瑞典 默奥园—巴黎园—欧陆风情—中国区各园—陕西省展园(在17:00前参观完毕)—往回走到沁园春舞台—创意馆—秦岭四宝馆—长安塔—出园。晚21时左右出园,坐世园7号线回宾馆。





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