
导读:姑婆山旅游景点介绍词英语(景区游览介绍词) 求:姑婆山的英语简介 介绍姑婆山的英语作文 贺州旅游景点介绍 分别有哪些好玩地方 介绍姑婆山的英语满分作文 旅游介绍怎么写


姑婆山国家森林公园位于广西北部;湘、桂、粤三省交界处的萌渚岭南端广西贺州市境内,距市区(八步)中心仅21公里,地处香港--广州--桂林黄金旅游线中间站上,是香港-广州-桂林这一黄金旅游线中间站上的一颗璀璨明珠;总面积8000公顷,具有峰高谷深、山势雄伟、森林繁茂、动植物资源丰富、瀑飞溪潺、环境幽雅等特点,集“雄、奇、秀、幽”于一体,兼有山水型、城郊型公园之特点。据权威科研机构测定,姑婆山空气负氧离子含量高达65856个/立方厘米,是华南天然大氧吧,是难得吸氧洗肺,生态休闲场所。方圆80公里的姑婆山是天然动植物王国,境内海拔1000米以上的山峰有25座,最高峰海拔1844米,是桂东第一高峰。这里沟壑纵横,终年溪水潺潺。由于特殊的地形构造,境内绝壁众多,形成沟沟皆瀑、有瀑必奇的独特景象。其中多姿多彩的瓦窑冲奔马瀑布、仙姑瀑布、罗汉瀑布、银河落九天瀑布尤为有名。姑婆山的森林覆盖率高达93%,林内奇树百出,既有挺拔参天的栋梁之材,又有苍劲古朴的原始树木。茂密的丛林中生长1400多种野生植物,有鸟兽130多种,是旅游、度假、疗养的好去处。雄峰、峻岭、古树、老藤、奇花、异草、怪石、瀑布等等,构成为一幅幅自然天成的绝妙风景。人们可观瀑狩猎,可烧烤野炊,可扎篷露宿,亦可住进建在溪旁潭边的竹楼别墅,尽享大自然的美妙恩赐。 Aunt mountain national forest park in northeastern guangxi; Hunan, guangxi, guangdong provinces junction impaction of the territory in the south of the guangxi HeZhouShi zhu, downtown area (eight steps) only 21 kilometers, is located in the center of Hong Kong, guangzhou, guilin gold LvYouXian middle site, is Hong Kong-guangzhou-a gold LvYouXian guilin among the site a bright star; A total area of 8000 hectares, with peak high deep valley, the grand and lush forest landform, animal and plant resources are rich, the waterfall fly Chan, elegant environment and other characteristics, set the \"male, strange, beautiful, deep and remote\" in a body, with landscape type, suburban park the characteristic. According to authoritative research institutions determination, the aunt mountain air negative oxygen ion content reaches as high as 65856 / cubic centimeters, is natural and big oxygen bar, south China was a wash, ecological leisure oxygen lung places. A 80 kilometers of aunt mountain natural plant and animal kingdom, China, which is 1000 meters above the mountain have 25 seats, highest elevation 1844 meters, is GuiDong first peak. Here, aged bubbling streams and ravines. Due to the special structure of the terrain, China, a precipice, GouGou are formed numerous waterfalls, a waterfall's unique look. Will Among them the colorful tile kiln blunt benma waterfalls, nun 1 the waterfall, waterfalls, ocean's galaxy is particularly famous waterfall into nine days. Aunt of the mountain forest coverage rate as high as 93%, strange tree, required both tall and straight, and a great asset to the towering trees. The original primitive simplicity mt Thick jungle growth in 1400 DuoZhong wild plants, birds and animals 130 DuoZhong, travel, holiday, is a good place for residents. From majestic mountains, the peak, old trees, cane, wonderful flower, different grass, the strange, waterfalls, etc, to constitute the excellent nature series scenery. People considerable BBQ for a picnic, waterfall hunting, awnings, can also live on plunge into the built in stream of bamboo building villas, enough to enjoy the nature of the wonderful gift.


Aunt mountain is a beautiful scenery, famous as a national forest park, let tourists at home and abroad have become warped thumb recited praise: "li jiang, there really is a paradise on earth". Now, let's enjoy this a masterpiece of nature.

Before we just enter the aunt mountain scenic area, is starts from the trees, they like to greet the arrival of the guests. We sat electric cars to the monkey mountain, there's the monkey is very naughty. We put on the road to peanut, popcorn, ah wait for all sorts of food scattered on the ground, the monkeys were scrambling to grab up, some monkeys to a skilled the peanut peeling. See these false mouth little monkey, we can not help but laugh.

We arrived from monkey hill nun 1 temple, the nun 1 under the nun 1 temple temple big lawn busy like mart. What a fast food restaurant, bakery was packed. Nun 1 temple from time to time came the bell, the bell rang, spread so far. From go up to the nun 1 big nun 1 temple waterfall. Hasn't arrived there, we will listen to the voice of "rush" came from a distance, the closer the ring, through gaps in the trees, then see a waterfall hung on the wall, fell from the sky like a white horse to practice, splash water to the waterfall empties into the bottom like the smiling face of the doll, ones that spray splatters to our face, ice ice cool, very comfortable. Waterfall of splash, like rain blowing in the wind, flying, very spectacular.

The waterfall is a path, from there to a forest. The trees of the forest to grow, this a tree full of vines, like a face with grandpa. Connected together from the tree and the tree, like the two good friends in a handshake. Look! The tree can be a swing to play. Look! The tree in the middle, long like "sit" tiger held up the road.

The aunt mountain nature are decorated very magical and beautiful, the nature is more mysterious, isn't it?

贺州旅游景点介绍 分别有哪些好玩地方











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