
蒲江石窟- 龙拖湾摩崖造像

全国重点文物保护单位。摩崖造像主要分布于龙拖湾、庵子岩、土地嘴、石马庵4 处。龙拖湾有南北朝至唐、宋造像10 龛80 尊,庵子岩有明代造像3 龛34 尊,土地嘴有唐代造像13 龛263 尊, 石马庵有唐代和清代造像9 龛91 尊。

Pujiang Grottoes

(Bas-reliefs on Precipices in Longtuowan)

The whole spot is a state-level key culturalrelics protection unit. The statues mainly spread in Longtuowan, Anziyan, Tudizuiand Shima’an. Longtuowan: 80 statues ranging from the Northern and SouthernDynasties to Tang and Song Dynasties in 10 niches; Anziyan: 34 statues of MingDynasty in 2 niches; Tudizui: 263 statues of Tang Dynasty in 13 niches; Shima’an:91 statues of Tang and Qing Dynasties in 9 niches.

成都文化地标蒲江石窟- 龙拖湾摩崖造像


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